Hi, I'm Mary Khanjian
Self-proclaimed french fry queen, dog mom, and fitness fanatic. I drink my coffee black and my water at room temperature.
"You’re not the right fit… you have until the end of the month."
It started out as a fairly typical Thursday afternoon in my world: My dog Teagan was romping around chasing sticks, while I enjoyed a much-needed break from my kitchen island-turned-standing desk. With one succinct phone call, my peace turned into panic.
I was let go from my job with no warning, no option, no backup. I felt incompetent and embarrassed.
It was sink-or-swim, but has since become one of the biggest blessings of my life. It forced me to take a hard look at who I am and what I love. It forced me to take a leap, trust myself, and figure it out.
I have always had a passion for helping people feel good about themselves; through fitness and personal training, through self-care and massage therapy, through customer service and restaurant management, through makeup. I have spent my entire career in pursuit of something that actually makes a difference in the lives of the people I meet.
Through that search, I built unwavering self-confidence, unshakeable belief in myself, and invaluable skills to get through the tough stuff. I’ve learned how to navigate the ups and downs by recognizing where I am, deciding where I want to be, and taking consistent action to get there.
Now I get to help other women do the same. My passion lies in helping women recognize the strength and moxie they already possess, and empowering them to live with authenticity and purpose.